2014년 10월 26일 일요일

first draft - narration

My persuasive argument thesis is: Babies learn languages by repetitive practice.
1. What do people already know about my topic?
 Everyone knows that all people learn their language in their babyhood. Also the steps of speaking
language : at first, they says nonsenses like woo, ang, ow and so on. Next, easy words like mommy, daddy. Then simple sentences like 'give me', 'noway'. Finally complex expressions.
2. What research has already been done about my topic?
http://lwbooks201.blog.me/30176583036 - Noam Chomsky's innate language acquiring theory and explanation of LAD
http://blog.naver.com/kimkm421/140127900036, http://cafe.naver.com/eirenestory/37 - explanation and problems about two position of language acquiring
3. What are the implications of my argument (What if I'm right? What if I'm right and people ignore me?)
Humans will be more do hard fo their babies' language. More effort for babies' language and people's language ability will more developed than before. If people ignore me, people can not develop their language . Repetitive practice is the most improtant part of developing language. With innate ability, they must have limitations on developing their language abilities.
My Narration

 Many people already know that people learn langugae when they were baby. And there are two typical teory about learning languages. First one is being innate theory. Noam Chomskey insists that language is one of independent intellegences of human. Humans genetically be born with the ability of acquiring language and what humans have to acquire after they were born is very subtle things of language. For him, language acquiring is an active processing that when babies are exposed to certain environment, the innate ability of language acquiring is invoked and start composing basic principles of the language with analyzing language materials themselves. Also he made a theory that in humans brain, there exists the machenism LAD(Language Acquisition Device) that makes people learn language innately. LAD can help people distinguish the sound and words of language, also can recognize the arrangement of words ans some other grammers. However, the LAD is not a real one, this tis the device that Chomsky designed to explain his theory. Then how this device is used? Let's take an example. A baby heared the saying, 'I like apple". After hearing a baby learned the expression "I LIKE SOMETHING" but also he or she can learn "I DON'T LIKE SOMETHING" with LAD. So it makes a baby modify the basic sentences. Also babies can acquire native grammer even imperfect language materials are provided. And some more things : they acquire native language irrespective of IQ, easily acquire languages without artificial training.
One more person who says language is innate ability is Lennerberg. He says that humans are born to well adepted in language acquiring and this feature makes only people can acquire language. And both insists that language is acquired in certain period.

In contrast, B.F Skinner insists behaviorism in language acquiring. Human mind is a white board that nothing is written. Behaviorism emphasizes acquired experience and education. And language acquiring is not the thinking process, it is the process of shaping habit, shaped by copy others languages and that languages are repeated. In other words the habit is shaped when the language is repeated. Skinner claims that language is learned by manipulations like other behaviors. Therefore the learner plays a minor role in learning language and parents play a major role for providing reinforcement. So if a baby is the stone, the teacher or parents are sculptors that shape the stone.
These two big theories are the typical ones on language acquiring and there are more theories like cognitivism of Piaget and Vygotsky.

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